Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ten things

Today seems like the perfect kind of day to stop and be thankful, mindful and pick out just a few of the things I am enjoying right now.  Life around here is crazy-busy (I think that should be a word) and there's no end in sight, even more of a reason to stop for a minute and look, really look.

1.  Lilies of the valley (from my side yard)

These smell so amazing for some tiny little flowers.  Apparently some bunnies must like them, too, because the tips of the leaves have little bite marks. 

2.  Sunshine and warmth today-yesterday was too chilly and windy

3. The new vera bradley catalog, which came with these lovely paper dolls. I haven't decided yet if I am going to share them with my daughter or keep them for myself

4.  Yoga-oh look, there I am sitting poolside doing yoga.  Oh, wait-that's another page from that Vera Bradley catalog! 

5.  I have exactly one week left in my thirties.  I feel like that should have been written in ALL CAPS but I don't want to scare myself especially considering my advanced age.
6.  I have a lunch date
7.  I just found out that my iPod has a pedometer.  And, it's 1200 steps to walk my kiddos to school the short way.  When I pick them up this afternoon, I think I will go the long way.  I did accidentally end my "session" with the pedometer, but I did 3400 steps in two hours.  Not bad for an old lady.
8.  In addition to the numerous weeds that are flourishing while I can't really garden (tree pollen) I found a pretty purple columbine growing in my backyard this morning. 
9.  Naked juice-specifically red machine.  Love it!
10.  Sparkpeople-just started using their site again after a long hiatus.  I really like logging what I am eating.  In some weird way, I think it keeps me on track.
Hope you have 10 things time 10 today that make you happy and give you a moment to pause, reflect and be thankful-or just make you smile.  

1 comment:

Kat said...

Happy almost Birthday! your ten things are wonderful things to be happy for!