Monday, May 17, 2010

mulch ado about nothing

I would like to apologize for that pun, but I won't because I think it's hysterical. Must be the nerdy English major in me, or the product of listening to too much Wait, wait don't tell me!! but that's some good stuff!  Maybe I can get a job writing their limericks-I do crack myself up and it seems like it would be selfish not to share all this talent. 

Anyway, as you could reasonably infer from the title of this punny post, this weekend was all about yard clean-up.  After doing my Monday morning blog-browse,I've realized that we were in good company as it seems everyone was out in the pollen ridden air trying to spruce things up.  Thanks to my very strong husband and my skilled and very willing neighbor, our fence is well under way.  Remember this?
After some Craigslist help and more elbow grease from my husband, it looked like this (kids not included):

and, today, it looks like this:

It's definitely getting there, and while we didn't exactly finish it over the weekend, the hard work is done (by my husband-I had nothing to do with any hard work on this project.  I simply made runs to HD and Lowes for supplies)

We also weeded and mulched the flower beds in the front of the house and along the side:

and, now it looks (you should be ready for this) MULCH better! 

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